Tips for Introverted 1st years

For those of you that are like me, thoroughly introverted with one or two extroverted qualities, here are some tips that I wish I took heed of when I was a First year Student. They are my top 3 tips, Hopefully you'll find them useful.

1. GO CRAZY, but not too crazy.

One thing that I only started exploring in my final year of University is sometimes allowing myself to go on meaningless adventures either by myself or with other people. I've never really been quite the type to go clubbing/partying or even leaving my house, frankly. lol. Unlike other kids who came to Uni for the first time and got their first breathe of fresh air I was never  that type, I never quite felt the need for it. See the problem, in my opinion, with going too crazy is that you might end up falling off the deep end and land yourself in a serious situation. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but there's so much going on in the society that you never want to forget what you're actually in school for. But with that in mind, don't deny yourself the pleasures of relaxing and experiencing new things and places.

2.  Join a club, preferably a sporty one.

If theres one thing I wish I would've done is join the swimming club much earlier than I actually did. or even if I wasn't part of the club, I wish I swam regularly. As a child I really enjoyed swimming but I stopped throughout high school for health reasons and then only picked it back up about year ago. I say join a sporty club mainly because, I feel like non sporty clubs take up a lot of time and honestly they don't give you as much health benefits as a sporty club. Going from class to class is very tiring and once in a while you need to relax yourself with some outdoor activities. Yeah, sure, with those other clubs you can raise awareness about Water Conservation and all that but what good is all that if your body is slowly dying in the meantime.

3. Energy Drinks are not your friend

Yes, yes I'm aware how crazy I sound and yes I know you need the energy but trust me when the I tell you that energy drinks are just the same as drugs. They give you a high and then they send you crashing down...painfully, if I might add. Personally, I've never had an energy drink in my entire university life but i've heard the horror stories from classmates that have become hooked on the stuff. I'm not health nut or a dietician, but if you ever have the time to Google search what ingredients are put into these drinks, and their effects on the body, you might think twice. You don't have to exclusively stay away from them, just make sure to limit your intake.

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