Final year this you, fam?

OH MY GOOODNESS!!!! Im so tired. With each day that passes, I really do wonder whether it will be my final day or not. Haha ok, maybe I'm being bit dramatic but I think its very much worthwhile.

My dearest friends, final year final semester is ridiculously burdensome. The workload is killing me ,the workload is killing everyone. For those that may be confused, its currently that time of the semester where we're preparing for the final tests, final presentations, final assignments. Everything is literally due the same day/week. Unfortunately for us inhabitants of Procrastination Nation we are crashing and burning. We're up all night, up all day trying to push work while anxiety is breathing down our necks and Winter is being served on our doorsteps. And to spice up the whole situation, we're also disgustingly broke because...thats right you guessed it, we have poor money management skills. hahahaha true to the name of blog, these are The Terrible Twenties, boys and girls! They may not always be the easiest years but at least there's still hope for recovery.

How is it currently going for you?


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