My pelvis is not my friend

Its that time of the month again and there's a special demon that has been allocated to personally attempt to rip out your uterus. There's nothing worse than waking up on a beautiful summers day to the feeling of having your insides being mushed together.

I am a self proclaimed 'weakling'. I have a really low pain tolerance so I'm not about that pain life. Period pains or symptoms of the Pre-Menstrual Cycle(PMS) are usually common for most females.Some symptoms include nausea,high/low emotions etc.In this post, I want to talk about the worst symptom of all...cue dramatic music(lol)... PERIOD PAINS. Personally, I never really experience period pains,thank God, but I do hear about them from my fellow female friends. Some ladies aren't able to move,getting out of  bed becomes an immense challenge especially since we still have to attend to life's duties including going to work/school.For some ladies it isn't so bad,but the pain is still there,it all varies from woman to woman.

I had one of my few experiences of this immense pain not so long ago and whoa...let me tell you,it was one of THE worst days of my life.I ended up missing school because the pain was soooo bad..Its hard for people who don't have these kinds of pains to understand whats really gong on.The thing about it is that the pain pulsates,it literally feels like someone has your uterus in their hands and keeps squeezing on it.As a result it becomes difficult to concentrate,to walk,to think and even breathing becomes tiring because there's always fear that whatever you're about to do will make the pain worse...and it usually does.

The whole thing really made me HATE my pelvis,my uterus...everything.All for the sake of finding out that i'm not pregnant,what a sick joke. I started wondering, "how do women cope?" To make matters worse,I've also heard of pelvic floor pain from pregnant women,sometimes called pelvic girdle pain (PGP).PGP in pregnancy is a collection of uncomfortable symptoms caused by a misalignment or stiffness of your pelvic joints at either the back or front of your pelvis. for me, all of this sounds scary .As women we have so much to worry about and with me being the paranoid person that I am,it has me so worried. However,I have faith that we will survive just as women older than us have. By Gods grace,i will get over my irrational fears but I may never stop questioning whether my pelvis is my friend or not.

Whats your worst Period Pain story? Share it with me in the comment section! :)


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